Week Six of Seven Disciplines of Intentional Living: Intellectual Wellness.
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(transcript from Youtube)
Whoop Whoop! Hello Everyone, and welcome to week six of the social media series Seven Disciplines of Intentional Living. Wow! We are almost done! I hope the information has been helpful to you.
Today we will discuss the importance of Cultural and Social Wellness. Cultural Wellness is recognizing, respecting, and even honoring different cultures. A great example of this are the national heritage celebration months. February is recognized as Black History Month. Overall, it means to step out of yourself and perceived comfort zone to learn something different. Social Wellness is identifying support systems such as professional networks, support groups, church, and the ministries within them that cultivate internal and external balance. I would encourage you to examine your relationships, personal and professional. If things seem one way, then it’s a relationship that offers no value. If it doesn’t provide value, it will keep you unbalanced in a state of stress and confusion.
For me personally, I love learning about different cultures. Because of my military career, I was able to visit 27 different countries. In preparation, I would try to find a dictionary that translated English to whatever that native language was. When I spoke Arabic or Italian, I could tell the person who I was speaking to was grateful that I tried to communicate with them even if I wasn’t fluent. It showed them that I cared enough to learn. In addition, this was a great way to represent the United States and the military. This is how we foster relationships.
I encourage you to discover ways, you can achieve Cultural and Social Wellness, by evaluating your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. By doing a personal and professional SWOT Analysis, it will help you gain clarity in these four areas so you can develop strategies to move your Weaknesses and Threats into the Strengths and Opportunity areas. You can go to my website www.inspirationallyspeaking.com and click on my blog, GUMBO. From there you will be able to download the SWOT Matrix.
In order to assess your motivation to gain balance, ask yourself:
- What resources do you need to gain Cultural and Social Wellness?
- What are your peers doing in this area?
- What strengths are unique to you?
- What threats does your weaknesses expose you to?
- How committed are you to putting a plan in place to achieve Cultural and Social Wellness?
I want to share this quote and golden nugget by famous author of In The Garden of Thoughts, Dodinsky, said “People who uplift you are the best kind of people. You don’t simply keep them; you have to treasure them.”
Thank you for tuning in to this live video. My name is Jennifer Foxworthy, I am the Founder and CEO of Inspirationally Speaking, LLC. If you missed weeks one through five of the Seven Disciplines of Intentional Living, you could always go back and see previous videos and posts. Reach out to me if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. I am here to help you. We are on this journey together. I am cheering you on. God bless!
SWOT Analysis Attachment:
Make sure you get the download to work on your personal SWOT analysis. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like more assistance on your personal SWOT analysis or to learn more about my programs, do visit my workshop page.