Client Testimonials

"Jennifer Foxworthy's Testimonials"
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Jennifer, York IFS was honored and grateful to have you lead us into this new path we are trying to blaze helping survivors of domestic violence. Your knowledge, compassion, dedication, and strength really impacted our staff and has inspired us even more than we already had been. The staff are genuinely intrigued by the information shared and requested to continue this wonderful partnership with you and our organization! We cannot wait to have you back for further trainings and work alongside you in supporting those in need. Our community needs people like you to keep speaking up and speaking out to create an awareness that cannot help but responded to through love and support from all those involved in this community. Please keep doing this great work, and we will see you again very soon!

Suzanne Kearse
Director of York Intensive Family Services
This lovely lady Jennifer at Inspirationally Speaking, LLC was our inspirational speaker at Project New Hope caregiver retreat. She wasn’t only inspiring but empowering! Her warm heart and innate ability to understand hardships we as caregivers carry, from a perspective of overcoming adversity was so comforting. Her magnificent gift of bringing people together through sharing from the heart was such a blessing ! I will treasure her words of wisdom and use the tools I learned from her to help me thrive! Thank you for your sunshine Jennifer!

Jessica Rodriguez
Jennifer Foxworthy It was a beautiful morning! Thank you! Your level of positivity is uplifting and encouraging! I really appreciate your support!

Amanda Sweeney
Jennifer Foxworthy- Best presentation I’ve attended by far! Loved your message and cherish your bravery and transparency. I hope we see you again!

Gina Wolf
Thank you, Jennifer, for teaching us how to deepen our leadership development through self-awareness.

Mary Beth Simon
You have such an incredible history of education, military, career, and you're a nice person! It's so amazing to see! I need to take a nap just thinking about how awesome and busy you are!

Beth Lovell
What a wonderful ABWA - Lunch and Learn this week with keynote speaker extraordinaire Jennifer C. Foxworthy! She was the perfect mix of fun, informative, thought provoking, vulnerable and motivating! Can't wait to see her again at a future 'in-person' meeting.

Carol Brian
Thank you, Jennifer, for an inspiring and thought-provoking presentation. Love your personal journey and authenticity!!

Lucy Dowd
Thank you for your incredibly inspirational message given today at Come Find Your Fab 2020. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the day. You were engaging, educational and inspiring and the perfect ending to a full day.

Robin Kaczka
Affiliations and Organizations
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