Memoirs of Domestic Violence Survivors
Tomorrow, My Sunshine Will Come
Jennifer aims to encourage individuals to find their personal peace, purpose and power through her self-published book publication titled,
“Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence.”
As a mental health professional who often works with victims of domestic violence, Mrs. Foxworthy’s book “Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come” is one of the tools I utilize during my therapy sessions. As most DV sufferers feel isolated and alone, her book is a good way to show them that other successful and strong women have been there too. More importantly, her book shows us that there is hope and that they can leave!
Deborah Duley, MSW, LGSW
I have just completed reading your book. It was finished within two days. I had my nose stuck in it at any free time I had. So many emotions and thoughts occupied my being when I read about these horrific stories.
Mrs. Foxworthy, this book touched my heart and I teared up. You did not hold back on detail in your writing and honestly, even though it made me uncomfortable at times, I believe this wouldn’t have had as great of an impact on me if you had withheld those specific details. So thank you for elaborating in depth with these stories.Zeke S.
Reading Jennifer’s book and discovering the profound journeys that she, Jamika, Allison, Felicia, Pam, and Karen have endured from isolation, loss of self-esteem, and abuse in all of it’s ugly forms, has served to remind me of the triumph of the human spirit. As a clinical therapist who works with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault everyday, I see victims of all ages, races and genders. The predominant theme I often hear is “I didn’t know I wasn’t the only one.” Jennifer’s book gives voice to so many who have felt voiceless.
Jennifer L. Edwards, LCPC, NCC

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Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence manifested itself by Jennifer sharing her story openly with other women. Jennifer believed that she was the only crazy person to tolerate such humiliation and embarrassment. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The more she shared her story, the more other women came forward and said they could relate!