The Purpose and Power of Pushing Forward: Overcoming Adversity

I would be lying if I told you challenges never crossed my path.  Or that I never thought about giving up.  Matter of fact, not only would I be lying to you, but myself as well.  Oh, how I wish life were smooth and easy.  Or that everything went my way all according to plan.  But it would not be realistic.  If it did, would I appreciate it?  For every disappointment, my faith was shaken.  For every setback, I get discouraged and cannot see the forest from the trees.  Fear, worry, and doubt set in and I become distracted.  I want to throw up my hands in frustration and yell “What’s the use!”   It sure does not help when the devil finds me when I am most vulnerable and whispers in my ear “Why bother.”

Although, I have many reasons to throw in the towel, the reasons to keep pushing forward outweighed them.  There is purpose and power in pushing forward.  It is having faith in what I cannot see and believing it is bigger than what I can see with the naked eye.  It is realizing that after the storm comes sunshine and peace.  It is appreciating every achievement because the journey to success was long and difficult.  It is believing that when one door closes another is opening wide just for me to walk through.  It is understanding that with God on my side, I can move mountains and cross the widest rivers.  Just like a mother giving birth to her beautiful child, she pushes even in pain.  She pushes when it is not comfortable.  She pushes exhausted and feels like she cannot go on.  She pushes because the seed that was planted has grown and is now ready to be birthed.

So, I push even when my knees buckle!
I push with tears streaming down my face!
I push because having regrets is not an option!
I push forward because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

The purpose and power of pushing forward was worth it because I am stronger, wiser, and abundantly blessed!   This is a F.I.T. (Focused, Intentional, and Thriving) mindset every leader must have.  Having the honor, courage, and commitment is what will set you apart from being ordinary or extraordinary.
