It was not very long ago when I was stumbling through life without a moral compass. I took God on and off the shelf when it was convenient for me. I found myself in debt, made repeated bad choices in relationships, did not honor my body as the temple it was meant to be, and never took the time to figure out who I truly was. Also, I struggled professionally because I was not being intentional. On top of all that, I was always trying to fit in where I clearly was meant to stand out. Overall, my priorities were out of order and it showed in my lack of meaningful relationships as well as my career. It took many hard lessons of hitting rock bottom for me to finally self-reflect and get my priorities straight. I understand now that my perspective on life dictates my priorities and I no longer want to come up short. I am the daughter of the Most High, the King of all kings! I am fearfully and wonderfully made! If you can relate, I encourage you to do a gut check. Is your perspective on life centered around self-destruction or self-improvement? What are you willing to do to make things better? Do you need a coach? How is your self-care? This the time to make a course correction and take ownership. Now is the time to get F.I.T (Focused, Intentional, and Thriving)!