Jennifer Foxworthy
Powerful and Motivational Keynotes That Inspire Women to Overcome Adversity and Become Empowered
Online or Live
Jennifer is a Certified Virtual Presenter
Overcoming Adversity | Self-Care |Empowerment
Her organization, Inspirationally Speaking LLC gives Jennifer that platform to inspire, motivate and empower women around the country to make changes in their lives so they can walk boldly in their purpose.
As a change champion and wanting to make a greater impact in the world concerning domestic violence, human trafficking and homelessness, Jennifer is Founder and CEO of Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc., hosting the “Unstoppable You Conference” throughout the country, as well as host for “Living Unshackled ON Purpose” television show.

Journey of a Thriver: Finding Purpose After the Pain:
Program Delivery: Live Presentation | Virtual Presentation | Webinar
Better prepared to be a prisoner of War than to deal with domestic violence. Jennifer openly shares her experience of surviving partner abuse during her military career.
Audience Will:
- Through Jennifer’s testimony of overcoming domestic violence, she encourages her audience to not just survive but to thrive
- Develop strategies to boost self-esteem and self-worth
- Understand the importance of healing after a traumatic relationship

Drawing the Line: Creating Healthy Boundaries to Improve Self-care
Program Delivery: Live Presentation | Virtual Presentation | Webinar
Interactive presentation to explore ways to have supportive, healthy, and respectful relationships with self and others. Boundaries help remove negative relationships that serve no positive purpose. In addition, healthy boundaries create limitations to prevent a person from being taken advantage of or exploited. Finally, we must draw boundaries within ourselves of excuses, low self-esteem, failure, and fear.
Audience Will:
- Identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviors
- Gain an understanding of how boundaries help improves self-awareness and self-care
- Discover ways to create healthy boundaries
- Implement strategies and techniques to create healthy boundaries

I Can! I Will! I Did! Succeeding Against All Odds
Program Delivery: Live Presentation | Virtual Presentation | Webinar
In this presentation, Jennifer shares her journey of overcoming poverty, bullying, discrimination, and domestic violence to succeed in life. Jennifer faced many challenges, but she persevered and did not use excuses to keep her from pursuing her dreams and passions. This presentation is to empower people to look beyond their currently reality and not stand in their own way.
Audience Will:
- Develop strategies to cultivate the potential within
- Gain awareness to think outside the box and look past their current reality
- Develop a work ethic to achieve dreamsexcuses to keep her from pursuing her dreams an

G.U.M.B.O (Greatness Unbounded Moving Beyond Ordinary)
Program Delivery: Live Presentation | Virtual Presentation | Webinar
Using a large pot, utensils, spices, and a lemon, Jennifer demonstrates in this interactive visual presentation, how we all have the resources needed to overcome adversity.
Audience Will:
- No matter how hot things get, we use our unique talents to overcome obstacles
- Gain an understanding of how negative attitudes can deter growth
- Develop and implement positive techniques and strategies to overcome adversity
- Empower audience to make healthy changes for a better life